Wednesday, November 6, 2013

November 1st, 2013: Fighting Fire With Words

We (my peers from the university and I) had now been staying for two nights, at a Hotel in G8-4, Islamabad, and today, we left for the National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST), College of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering (CEME), Rawalpindi, in our university-designated transport, at around 9:30am. It was Friday, the 1st of November, 2013; the second day of the four day long NUST EME Olympiad: a national, inter-university event featuring a series of competitions organized by the efforts of the students and the administration of NUST CEME.

NUST CEME, Rawalpindi.

I had signed up for four competitions representing the University Of Lahore; three of which were going to take place today. Managing time became quite a bit of a problem as I discovered that a competition I was partaking in titled: ‘Movie Nerds & Dumb Charades’, was about to commence just as we had landed. Quickly, I gathered my team and rushed towards the place the competition was being held. To our surprise, we had made it on time. The only problem here was that another competition I had signed up for was going to begin as I was halfway through Movie Nerds. This (second) one was titled: ‘Dare to Win’. I had advised my other - Dare to Win - team to carry on without me as long as I was busy in my current engagement: Movie Nerds. I was to join them just as I got free.

Having been knocked out from Movie Nerds & Dumb Charades, I made haste joining my Dare to Win team. And because they were standing right in front of the building I was walking out of, I met up with them before I knew it. I noticed that one of my teammates was holding a piece of paper (that I later figured out were two stapled together) that had a list of tasks written on it. It was a scavenger hunt; the first four tasks already accomplished. I took up a few of the remaining tasks and a lot of running around, riddle solving, talking and shouting followed. This resulted in a massive energy drain. But after many a struggle, finally, the moment came! We progressed to the next round.

The second round began with us receiving a form that asked six questions ranging from what you think about Pakistan, what and whom you hate to how adventurous and daring a person you are. Without giving it a second thought, I took it up and filled it on behalf of my team. And as a matter of fact, I really enjoyed writing what I wrote: a brief yet critical insight on the Pakistani society and its general lack of awareness, their shared obliviousness and political apathy, a few sentences openly condemning Zaid Hamid’s warmongering ways, some words on how interested I am in rational debate and how powerful I consider it to be and an ending on a positive note: showing my concern for the good of mankind. The form was to be evaluated by the heads of the event, who were then supposed to call three of the team members, one by one, to a personal interview. Since I had filled out the form, I was up first.

Really not fond of your work, sir.

As I entered the room, I found three boys facing the white board, two of whom were in college uniform, sitting behind the front desk situated at the bottom right of a seating arrangement designed in a staircase fashion (quite similar to that of a theatre room). The person in the middle, Taha Safdar, introduced himself and the other two - on his left (Talal Jameel), and right (Sufyan Awan) - as the event heads. And just as I introduced myself, it is safe to say, I was bombarded by mockeries, upon what I had written in the form, from the person on the left as if what I had written had offended him in some way! It wasn’t all that unexpected, though. Neither was it a particularly rare occurrence. But, it was certainly not very hospitable an act. Just moments after the (rather hostile) introduction, they dared me to light my hand on fire for 3 seconds. They were to use an aerosol spray deodorant and a cigarette lighter. I had done quite little for the team up till now in addition to arriving late, so I didn’t give it much thought, gasped and said yes and then one of them sprayed the aerosol deodorant on my palm and lit it up. I regretted making that decision the very instant I said, yes. ‘I could have made a better call’, I thought to myself.

Not being able to bare the intensity of the flames for any longer than 2 seconds, in utter perplexity, I started banging the palm of my hand on the desk in front of me. Apparently, it only made it worse; the flames traveled to the back of my hand and up towards my knuckles and fingers. I now tried to put them out by banging both sides of my hand, alternately, on the flat desk but that effort went in vain… for long enough! The fire did stop but only when it was too late. I now had second-degree burns all over my right hand; my writing hand. I realized that by the intense, sharp, perpetual pain which was unlike anything I had ever felt before.

Apparently, the phrase: 'Safety First' isn't all that common.

The interview concluded just as the fire was put out. I was excused and the next team member in line was called up. I tried to walk it off and continued with the competition but that I could only do so for 5 minutes tops. The pain grew sharper and increasingly tougher to bear. This was when I decided to go and ask the competition heads for first aid/emergency medical attention, as I was sure there must be some kind of arrangement (for that) made. Well, to my surprise, there wasn’t anything of that sort available at all! That means no ambulances on the facility (none that were doing the bidding of the admin or the students of NUST CEME, as they told me later), no doctors on the scene, no first aid kits, nothing! It came as a great shock to me, mostly because I was feeling helpless and didn’t know what to do about the burns which now hurt pretty badly and partially because some part of my mind was still being able to process the horror of the circumstance over the pain. I thought to myself: there’s no saying when things will go wrong especially on such competitions especially when the stunts aren’t well thought out. I tried to ponder on the utterly incautious and carefree attitude of the event management and especially upon the criminal recklessness of the heads of the ‘Dare to Win’ competition and how carelessly they’re dispensing ill-advised dares that can put the participants in grave danger, without making first aid available.

Even though there were three event heads: Talal Jameel, Taha Safdar and Sufyan Awan, not even one of them chose to accompany me in order to neutralize the situation or to try and fix what had happened and only upon my insistence did one of the three competition heads call out another student of the NUST CEME to take me to the Medical Inspection (M.I.) Room that was somewhere on this 124 acres wide facility. This particular young bloke was so busy taking care of his own job (dispensing stunts and dares) that he told me to sit and wait while he finished what he was in the middle of. I sat there for a minute or two and then he escorted me outside of the department building. He paced up and down the asphalt alongside me for a few dozen feet and I discover that he is looking for an even lesser-in-rank event volunteer to dump me on. He was successful. I was now with a freshman - enrolled at the NUST CEME just two months ago - who was working at the event’s information desk.

I, for one, don't find this hard to understand. Do you? Well, they did.

The first question I asked this even younger boy was that ‘how far exactly is this M.I. room?’ ‘Five Kilometers’, he replied. And I thought, five kilometers? Half of the day spent in a brain drain and the rest of it running and sweating, then getting my hand burnt and now this? It totally wasn’t what I had in mind signing up for this competition. I still took the long walk to the M.I. Room though, because I was really out of other options at that moment. When I got there, I entered the main lobby of the area. It was more like a miniature, not very generously maintained, clinic. To my right was a counter where a female nurse sat. Right beside that counter was a store room for drugs. I told the nurse about my hand and wanted her to check it. Upon that request, she left the counter and went looking for the doctor on duty at that time. She returned after two minutes with the doctor. The doctor, a tall man in military uniform, stood a safe 4-5 feet away from me, took an absurdly quick peek at my hand, walked to the drug store room, took out a tube of ointment and advised the nurse to apply it on my hand and left just like that. No questions asked. None entertained. And the nurse, who now knew what ointment to give me, very conveniently placed the tube in my hand, told me to apply it on my hand myself and returned to where she was originally sitting.

I know for a fact that every trained, practicing doctor is bound by the Hippocratic Oath to: 'apply all measures that are required for the benefit of the sick or injured and to know that showing warmth, sympathy and understanding may potentially outweigh the effect of drugs.' I wasn’t even given an analgesic. Let alone the doctor asking me who I was, what happened and how much did it hurt. He practically didn’t even inspect the burn. Is he really a doctor if he violates the Hippocratic Oath, I ask?  And what should I say about the nurse; though she wasn’t clearly trained enough to prescribe or dispense a drug all by herself, she has still committed a huge treason against the moral values of her employment. The way you earn your living is supposed to be held sacred and treated with great respect and performed with professional integrity (especially in the medical profession). What in God’s green earth are they paying you for if you ask an injured, ailing patient to help himself! Aren’t you paid to render that service?

Doctors (to be) taking the Hippocratic Oath.
The way I was treated at the Medical Inspection room/clinic is truly beyond me. It was just as deeply disturbing as the stream of professional negligence, venturing into criminal, by the event heads and the unfocused administration at NUST CEME. I accept taking up the dare not thinking the consequences of it through but does that really justify what followed: such complete failure to empathize, help and cooperate? Being neglected, over and over again, by people who are obligated to make sure you’re safe (at all times) on an event they're hosting, people who are to be sympathizing with your ailment, people who are supposed to be treating you with every ounce of their energy when you’re sick or injured is an issue that seriously needs a firm, no holds barred addressing. What kind of a message is their behavior sending here? Make one mistake and you’ll be left helpless as a turtle on its back! I speak here, of course, about the management committee of the NUST EME Olympiad (both students and admin) and the staff at the NUST CEME’s Medical Inspection Room/Clinic and how they have let me down and rendered me so helpless that I am forced to write this for the good and for the safety of the students and residents of NUST CEME and especially the participants that will take part in any events the institution organizes in the near future.
This clearly goes beyond my own personal being and my injury. The management at the NUST CEME Olympiad was catering to thousands of participants without giving their safety a proper thought or consideration. Thankfully, not many came to realize that as the event progressed but since I did, I think it is crucial to bring this to the notice of every student who was there and to the authorities at the NUST CEME and even to those who were not there.
I eventually visited a hospital nearby, got my wound washed and dressed, and got a strong painkiller injected into my right arm.


  1. OMG! u freak -_-............stop ruining the great event dude.... the whole DARE TO WIN event was superb n all the organizers were supportive as well.... me done that dare n wasn't like a hell as u xplained :/ :@
    n tmm wahan dare complete krny gy thyy isko b as a dare ltyy na .. no offence but grown up n appreciate their efforts :p
    and EMENENTS specially organizers of dare to win u guys Rockkkkkkkkkk :p (Y)

    1. Koi logic ya reason do gay apni bongiyon k liay Mehru?? Who the hell is saying k organizers were supportive or not? A person who got his hand burnt needs to grow up according to you? You need to stop breathing my air ignorant fool. Quit existing and do the world a favour.

    2. jst bcz usnai kaha kai grow up she shld stop existing !!! lol r u fr real !!!

    3. @writer> Why would anyone need to mock you, when you are doing it yourself very well !!!

      @sheryr> Seriously standing ovation to your absurd way of talking to a person (let alone it be girls) and here on the other side u talking abt being sympathetic becz dats part of morality..funny!
      Spare your needless advices to someone whose life becomes traumatic after a minor hand here u only going to get praises from similr dramatic ppl... get a life or yes keep ridiculing yourself ..coz it seems u better at the later!

    4. hey @Shehryar u r the p.a. or smthng of imran ??? o_o :p u defending him so nicely baby....... -_- n by the way u were there when ur BOSS was in miserable condition ?? :p so stop yelling at others n leave a +ve impression tm log to apni uni. ka image b brbad kr ry ho -_-

  2. your blog makes for an interesting if rather dramatic read.the flare for words and ability to capture images in words is gives an account of your views as a blog should but a participant in the said event i find it rather heavy handed.the lighting hand n fire dare didn't give us(an all girls team) any trouble.Two seconds of exposure to fire should not result in second degree burns.i am sorry you had to seek medical help.
    As far as the alleged negligence of the doctor is concerned, that doctor most likely has a good long clinical experience so it was an easy diagnosis to make once the case was explained and the hand inspected.thus questioning the competence of the doctor is rather harsh.Provision of medical kits at site would be more beneficial as you pointed out and hopefully would be done next time.
    interview with the event heads was a purely personal thing and if they were hostile with anyone only them that person and Allah can know but as the event itself was called "Dare To Win"vagueness,rudeness and to a slight extent hostility was warranted on their part to gauge the aptitude of the participants.
    For me and all my team mates the event was memorable. I hope you don't let a single bad incident tint all the good memories of a great event!

    1. Firstly, the extent of the harm done by a burn is not the same for every individual/victim. But, perhaps, two seconds of exposure might not have caused any serious damage had it been put out just after. If I were them, I'd have, at the very least, had a bottle of water at the ready.

      Yes! I wouldn't have been subject to that doctor's attention had there been first aid anywhere nearby. Thank you for accepting that. And excuse me for being too cynical, but I think the way the doctor treated me has more to do with (his) soldier mentality which, in turn, might have impaired his efficiency. Since you're assuming he's experienced, I say it's only logical that he would've found my injury to be puny because he is an army medic (with possible combat experience). That creates room for a possible underestimation of my injury and if that's the case, then I believe it is objectionable since he is not deployed on a battlefield anymore and shouldn't really be making a hasty diagnosis.

      Never did I say that they dared me to light my hand on fire out of malice or spite. Of course, I cannot possibly be aware of their intentions... I am not a mind reader! It makes sense, your argument.

      However, the thing I am really concerned about is the severe lack of responsibility and foresight on part of the event heads in not arranging for medical kits or for hiring a professional to render that kind of service. They should have known better. Especially since the competition involved fire stunts. Not to mention the sequential negligence that followed the incident.

      I hope I have made myself more clear. Thank you very much for your comment. It is the most rational I have received thus far.

    2. What is pathetic is your failure to empathize, rather the likes of you are all bound and wedged in your meaningless sentiments and 'memories' attached with a below average blur of an event that no one will remember. Then again I don't blame people like you. You guys deserve such treatment because your miserable submissive nature will only take you places in life where at one point or another you'll start wondering why you chose not to be cognizant of the matters that were really important rather than 'hanging out' with peers and 'partying' at a shallow, worthless, meaningless event.
      Ignorance is bliss afterall isn't it.

    3. @Shehryar Khan your reaction is not only assumptive but also uncalled for what exactly do you know about" the likes of me" and my"miserable submissive nature".You appear more defensive and aggressive than the writer the purposed injured party in this fiasco, i for one fail to understand the purpose of your pathetic and absurdly personal attack.If you have any argument to make by all means do so if not then you are wasting everyone's time.

    4. @Imran Sumbal I appreciate the fact that you took my comments in the manner they were meant, without coming back with aggressive ,temperamental mumbo jumbo.The reaction of every one to a nauseous stimuli like fire should be the same unless of course there is some underlying pathology but it is useless to argue about that because what's done is done. We have already established the
      efficacy of an on spot medical kit.though it's redundant to go into it but if i am assuming the experience of the said doctor you are also assuming his dismissal, stereotyping him without foundation.
      I don't know which discipline you are studying so let's make some common man allegory if you have cough and nasal congestion the diagnosis wouldn't take long and would probably not need extensive probing.there are numerous medical conditions of whose diagnosis can be made by a medical professional even half way across the room because of their rather characteristic appearance! The point that i am trying to make here is that none of us can encompass what was going on in the doctor's mind and what his intentions and credentials were thus we should not be casting any stones!your reaction is expected as you, being in distress both physical and emotional, had to process the whole thing and deal with it.Let's hope that the processing does not cause a rift among people and incite vengeful remarks!

  3. lol....silly boii :p blky dramay baz would be a right word for you :p i was also a part of that event was awsome and all heads were so supportive...EOL'13 \O/

    1. Tumhara haath jala tha? btana tha na uss wakt. mein aa k jala daita phir poochta tumhay.. Naive idiot insaan. Poora article parho, apni mama jee se kaho k samjha daen kia likha hua hay, balke kisi achi university k english k professor se ja kar request karo aur poocho k yeh kia likha hua hay. Samjho baat ko phir comment karo.

    2. javeria lol at yu poor girl... jo tmhy samj he nahi aya k hua kya hy.. apny fazool comments deny sy pehly article theek sy parh lo plz.. n agree with yu shehryar..

    3. @sheryar khan fr ur info the blog does talk about the hostility . so i guess apnai baba ji ko kahu tmhain bhy kisi achai english kai professor sai prhwaain

    4. @fiya khalid lol at u too dear!!! bcz it seems kah tmkai pullay bhy kuch nhy prha . .... feeling sorry fr u

    5. @anonymous for yur kind info pally para hy tb he bola hy meny n me udhar majood thi jb ye incident hua kisi ko dramay baz kehna wo b ye jany bgair k actually hua kya tha udhar is not a good thing.. kisi per hansna bohat asan hy lekin ager yehe javeria k sath hua hota to shyad usy andaza hota. ager ap ko ye galat lag rha hy to simply bol k ye galt bat kr rhy ho etc lekin kisi per b istrha comment kerna achi bt nhi hy.. no offence but i hope yu guyz understand.

    6. @fiya plz stop saying agr koi uski jgha hotaa. i waz dere too jub us blue kameez walai lrkai ko mamooly si chot lgy and yup agr mai hoty uski jgha tu itna drama create nhy kurty. and jahan tuk. cmnt ka taulq i replied da way u did. so dear chill . aur plz ainda dnt dare to go to such events..

    7. oh cmon! tmhary sath hua nhi na islye ye bol rhi ho k drama create na kerti lol.. abi ek finger per fire lga k he dkh lo chal jyega pta k wo drama ker rha tha ya nhi.. and ager itny confident sy ye bt kr rhi ho k wo drama ker rha tha to try it and phr comment kr k btana zrur k drama tha ya haqiqat.. and tm koi nhi hoti ye kehny wali k me kis event per jaon or kis per nhi so plz.

  4. Stop hiding your corruption between these mocking comments and smiles. I wish if you would have felt the same way Imran felt and I wish would guys would have been through what he has been through. It's easy to laugh and hide your institution's negligence.

  5. This is very lame and you are just creating an issue out it.
    In my point of view it was a fantastic and an awsome event.All the judges and organizers were very supportive.And it is not their fault that you got your hand burnt because every participant was himself responsible for his actions and the reactions caused by that actions.And now when you are fine stop creating an issue
    Jiyo aur jeenay do :D

    1. No offense anonymous butt print, but i'd like to hypothetically, and notice i say 'no offense' and 'hypothetically', burn your hand or that of your brother or sister....then repeat the treatment which this kid received with you or your brother or sister.....and then come to your face and say....hey are so lame and annoying, quite crying man. its only your hand that was burnt. its not like you had a baby with elephant man's left breast.
      No one is creating an issue. This account is, according to my understanding, unveiling your sacred institution of Army, your precious soldiers who never raped millions of women in bengal, who are not corrupt to this very day, who will not kill without questioning innocent women and children. This is to unveil brutal murderers' living amongst us, breathing our air....and all but you ignorant folk go to their institution and are indoctrinated to their schemes. I hope that an atrocity of unthinkable grandeur slides by you so when you come close to what reality is like out of your gay closet, you finally see that life isn't lame.

    2. seriously!!! dats wat u call reality ... all those dialogues u hv mentioned about pakistan army .. wat iz da basis ov dat...ur comments show ur hatred and lack ov faith in an institution az old az pakistan itself... one doctor and bunch ov engineering students made u worried enough to spout out ds nonsense ........and u think u r not making an issue out ov it !!!...

  6. Replies
    1. Yeah he's seeking attention. He wants to get an interview on geo so he can become rich and famous. Documentaries will be made on him and when he finally goes off to meet Obama, he'll call you straight from the white house, propose you for marriage and Ania my dear if you refuse that day, well...all of this effort will be in vain. So be prepared.

      Meanwhile, try and get your head out of the place where you release your undigested food from and look around and realise issues that matter and of course when you fail to realise the importance of human life and other 'attention seeking' issues, try not breathing my air for 5 mins. I hate it when naive, illiterate, ignorant, dullard, dumb, pudding head vegetables breathe my air. Also light your hand on fire for 3 seconds without any water or fire extinguisher or any first aid kit nearby. Hopefully you'd be able to attract some buays your way too.

    2. "Yeah he's seeking attention. He wants to get an interview on geo so he can become rich and famous. Documentaries will be made on him and when he finally goes off to meet Obama, he'll call you straight from the white house, propose you for marriage and Ania my dear if you refuse that day, well...all of this effort will be in vain. So be prepared." lol !!! ... wat r u in 3rd grade ????

  7. This is very lame and you are just creating an issue out it.
    In my point of view it was a fantastic and an awsome event.All the judges and organizers were very supportive.And it is not their fault that you got your hand burnt because every participant was himself responsible for his actions and the reactions caused by that actions.And now when you are fine stop creating an issue
    Jiyo aur jeenay do :D

  8. stop creating drama . it was an awesome event!

    1. I know right!? it was such an awesome event. Man i seriously wish this guy would've died properly. Aik haath kia jal gia sara event kharab kar raha hay. thora sa buss late ho jata shaed sara he jal jata hum sb ka time na waste karta iss tarha attention seeking blog likh likh kar. The event was awesome. Stupid people come and get their hands burnt deliberately just to seek attention. Olympiad rocks gay boy shocks.

      Also as far as drama is concerned, i'd personally would like to write a drama for tv in which i would like to cast you Anonymous, your role will be very powerful. You'll be performing the role of a person who is continuously tortured throughout the show and in the end, finally through endless torture you die. No one cares about you as well because you are after all in a drama nahi? maza ayay ga. Interesting part will be revealed when the series ends....when the audience comes to know k drama nai was real.

    2. kyaa phutooo kaum hu tmlog .....

  9. This is just an exaggerated story only to gain fame.. Why dint you create this drama at the spot? Trust me you would have gained more support n sympathy..
    The event overall was safe enough to be conducted. Had there been any chance of danger the institute wouldnt have allowed it to be held. Infact the winning team was that of the girls..
    All the dares were safe enough to be carried out..
    Kindly dont Dare to partcipate in such events in future..

    1. Sir, the fact that girls won this competition doesn't posit an argument. Whoever that was managing the event, and that competition in particular, put the safety of the participants in jeopardy by not making medical kits and/or emergency medical care available. You have to agree that things can potentially get out of hand (because they did, in my case). I am just making that clear and hoping that this is not to be ignored in the future.

    2. If he's trying to gain fame where is it? I don't see him starring in movies like Zinda Bhaag or Waar... Cast kiu nai kartay iss ko? Bechara uss wakt agar shor macha bhi daita tou syed noor ne aa kar chooriyan 2 mein daal laina tha iss ko?

      You are stupid. Your comment is stupid. Your existence is stupid. Your parents getting together to conceive you is utterly nonsensical and ludicrous. I hope to God if he exists, that you do not reproduce otherwise I will have to make it my personal duty and obligation to come and cut you and your kind lose of this burden you have called life. I dont know if this guy will participate in such events in the future or not, but i must STRONGLY suggest you to not participate in any discourse at all may it be intellectual or shallow as a goat's reproduction technique. Please for the sake of your loved ones, try and isolate yourself and if you are feeling ever so generous, sacrifice yourself for the sake of humanity and let your withered soul depart your ghastly existence

  10. Free advice:

    Next time DO attend the EOL'14 n participate in Write Right instead of Dare to win.. I am sure you ll take the shield home..

    1. If it is sarcasm that you have intended, I must say this: Shame on you three times and by God if he exists, I for one shall not forgive you for your insensitive nature even if this kid does.

  11. wel, it Really freaks your mind out when for no good Cause you face serious consequences of a simple happening. Yes I'm talking about the BOY who led the Respective Event heads of DARE TO WIN to meaningless circumstances. If he was'nt having the very courage to perform the tasks he shoul'nt have participated. I mean its DARE TO WIN and you have to dare for the undone.
    All dares were carried out in safe and sound environment. In a nut shell the Olympaid was executed in a way that is a Perfect example of Management.

    1. Thank you for your opinion but I must tell you a fact, as obvious as a Panda trying to reproduce to prevent his species from extinction, that when a person gets his hand burnt and gets absolutely no medical treatment for it, moreover gets bashed from the likes of you mere scum, to a layman like me the environment will seem anything but safe. In a nut shell, you should be executed in a way that will be a perfect example for the mankind to show how ignorant demoniacal dirty specs of sad mother nature should be eradicated.
      Good day. Not really

  12. This was the best event :-) all administrators and voluntees co-operate so well I thnk they all done an out-standing job . A perfect management together with co-.operation was seen their . It was a healthy event with entertaining activities . I thnk we all should appreciate them rather than counting their mistakes . It is very easy to put a blame on them but it is very much difficult to arrange such a massive outstanding event, they have the capacity to arrange such a event . So before blaming , think once about their hardwork , co-operation - humble attitude , their management and above all their respect that they gave us :-)

    1. Which one was it? I mean the boy from the management whom you want to come up to you and say 'hey nida, lets go to Centauras and have coffee which i don't like, buy clothes for you which you shall not wear and after that lets pretend we can rid ourselves of our frustrations by imagining what was the initial urge and point of all the preceding rubbish, in our heads'.

      You half wit moron, whatever the rabbit intercourse the administrators or the volunteers etc did is none of the business of mine or of the kid who got his hand burnt. No one is blaming every single person from the event especially the guy you want to ask out. Try and go back, read the article once again, get a literate elder to decipher it for you, understand it and then comment. And before blaming, think once about the pain, the trauma, the patient and peaceful attitude this guy showed. Put yourself in a situation where your face is burnt and no one gives your medical treatment as well as gives you dung about your rants.
      I am ashamed to call myself a pakistani because pakistani people have become the most selfish, indifferent, insensitive, mean, materialistic, opportunist, foul mouthed, ignorant, discourteous, rude and the worst kinds of pathetic miserable excuses for human beings. Phoenix rises from the ashes. I hope we all get turned to the latter.

    2. oh i can see the so called *peaceful attitude*
      @booty caliph
      i dont thnk so u know the meaning of peacful atitude booooty

  13. there was no need to make a blog for this...
    tm un sai in persi...if u think k unho nai koi plan kia hua tha tmai jalaa k raakh kr dainai ka lol aur tmhai yei hi lgta hai k doc ki hi yehi intension thi then u need to visit a phsycatrist first before having ur burn treated

    1. there was no need to make a blog for this...if u think k unho nai koi plan kia hua tha tm ko jalaa k rakh kr daina ka aur tmhai yei bi lgta hai k doc ki bi yehi intention thi to merai bhai apnai burn ko treat krnai sai pehlai psycatrist sai rujooo krain

  14. well if somebody wants to learn how to exaggerate things meet this person
    and i guess u are a mature guy * i assumed it by reading the crap above * why u performed the dare knowing the fact that it can cause a harm , So brother stop seeking attention please :) *Get Well Soon*

  15. zra sa hath jala ha bhai itna drama drones pe hota na tau ab tak america hmary qadmon main hota. abe tak tau wo theek bhe ho gya hoga so just chillll.... try to bother the postive side more thn mourning over a littl thing...

  16. ohhh cmonnn man get a life... many girls dd dat dare n they r still ON planet.. u must be daring enough to tak part in DARE TO WIN IT.... stopp crying kiddd. the whole article was a good piece of humour and a really silly act to show what kind of master piece is there in UOL....

  17. Hahah! University of Lahore k students k chhotey chhotey dramey! :D

    If you seek to defame an institute by posting rants on the web like babies, try that time and again. You'll only make a fool out of yourself!

    There were girls in that event too and they did what "grown up mature boys" of your university could not perform. If the task was so difficult, dangerous and inhumane, why the hell did you perform it in the first place?

    Did you ask for any precautionary measures before the task was performed? Did you ask the event head "What if I injure myself?" "Are there any medics nearby that we can go to in case of an emergency?". NO!

    You "dared" to perform the task, out of your OWN FREE WILL (no one forced you) but are not ready to accept the consequences like a man! And when someone tried to reason with you (here or at EME) you start calling them names. Inhuman, jahil, stupid, biased, idiots and what not. Kitney aqalmand log ho yar ap!

    Shows only what thing, this certain group of people from the University of Lahore is a bunch of sore losers who cannot accept defeat and who are not mature enough to accept that they CAN be wrong too! If you do not want to go to EME again, DON'T! The Olympiad is better of without drama queens like you!

  18. oh please UOL k jo bhi student ho ap, it was an awesome event. DARE TO WIN IT mai meri bhi participation the,ar meray team fellow ne bhi yehi task kiya tha, ar bhi bhut say logo ne kiya tha,sb theek thy agr apk sath koe chota sa hadsa ho gya hai to its not a bid deal, ghar mai bhi to kabi match box chalatay hoe lag jati hai na iska matlb hai ap apni ami ko sue krogay k machis q rakhi hai ghar mai, itnay achay event ko appreciate kre,kch flaws ko ignore bhi kar dena chae. humaray mulk ki universities mai pehlay he culture ni hai is trh k events ka ab agr koe kar rha hai to isy appreciate kre please. entire EME was awsome, wahan say wapis aa k bhi zehan wahi tha, such polite,smiling,decent,friendly and coopertive people.

  19. OHH plz UOL stop this shit ,,,nothing happened there ,we all were there that day,,and if u r a ""NAZUK KALII''then u should not have participated in DARE TO WIN,if u don't have guts thn dnt participate in such games,,we won in this game and our one member did this task betr then u and nothing happened to him..EME ROCKS,,,AWSM ARRANGMNTS,,WE ENJYD ALOOTTT,,,AND WE R WITH U,DNT WORRY AT ALL.

  20. Have sports man spirit. Move on. These things are all part of life. You should be thankful to God that you are fine. The organizers are students and so are we. So I would like to suggest 'LET IT GO'
